
Our goal is to introduce and expand utilization of the Enneagram in businesses and organizations in Colorado. We can connect you to resources for individual, team and organizational development, teaching Enneagram classes and providing executive coaching.
Please contact if you are affiliated with a business or organization that would benefit from Enneagram resources.
Contact: EnneagramColorado@gmail.com

Our goal is to help educators, parents, and students create school communities where everyone has a sense of belonging. Peace, kindness, compassion, and harmony are the outcomes of understanding and appreciating human differences. This is the learning the Enneagram provides. It is the Curriculum of Being. We can serve as a resource for schools that want to begin Enneagram training – for teachers, for students, for parents – by helping you find qualified trainers/facilitators.
Please contact if you have interest or questions about bringing the Enneagram to your school.
Contact: bev.johnson.co@gmail.com.

spiritual communities
Our goal is to educate spiritual communities in Colorado about the Enneagram and the resources Enneagram Colorado provides for spiritual formation, congregational health, and staff relationships.
We would like to offer the Enneagram to a diversity of spiritual communities.
Please contact if you are a member of a spiritual community and would like to be our liaison to offer Enneagram resources to your community.

Our goal is to support therapists who are interested, or who are already using, the powerful clinical tool that is the Enneagram in various therapeutic settings. We also aim to create a community and peer support system. The Enneagram embraces all traditions and works well with virtually all forms and schools of therapy and change.
Please contact if you have interest or questions about using the Enneagram in your therapeutic practice.
Contact: EnneagramColorado@gmail.com

special events
We focus on inviting Enneagram professionals from around the nation and globe, to present interesting topics for your growth and enjoyment.
If you are an Enneagram professional and are interested in offering us a workshop or presentation, please let us know!
Contact: justinto237@outlook.com